Posts tagged ‘writing’

What’s Dog-Lit?

Charlie Bear 1
Charlie Bear here. I didn’t know about this so-called dog-lit. Did you?
That’s what Mom Peep calls our CHARLIE BEAR book. And her other stuff she writes, too. Huh. You learn something new every hour.

Northwest Christian Writers Association

B.J. Taylor’s Writing Is Going to the Dogs

Posted on April 8, 2015 by By Diana Savage, director of the Northwest Christian Writers Renewal conference

Award-winning author B.J. Taylor has loved writing most of her life. In grade school, English was her favorite subject, and spelling bees were her specialty. As a teen, she kept a personal journal and hid it under her mattress.

Now a multi-published author, she’s even written novels in a genre she calls “dog-lit.” She tells people to think of it like chick-lit, except the stories are for dog lovers. This genre is a natural blending of B.J.’s passion for writing and her passion for helping dogs to find forever homes. Her desire is to promote the spirit of keeping one’s canine pets, not only during the good times, but also in challenging circumstances.

“Many times we have to PUT certain things into practice in order to keep our cool under pressure when we rescue a dog or bring home a dog from a shelter,” she says. “They all need the same thing: Patience, Understanding, and Training.”

B.J. also knows a thing or two about patience, understanding, and training as a writer. And she uses those qualities when turning personal experiences into stories that sell. She serves as representative for Guideposts, Angels on Earth, and Mysterious Ways magazines.

On Friday, May 15, at the 2015 Northwest Christian Writers Renewal, B.J. will meet with writers in group appointments. If you would like to show her your work, please follow the guidelines concerning what she would like to see and what she’s not looking at right now.

At the Renewal, B.J. will also present two workshops:

1) Writing for the Guideposts Contest: Learn how to craft a well-constructed Guideposts story, how to properly submit, whom to submit to, what to include, and when to send it in. Two of the twelve writers chosen to attend the 2014 Guideposts Writers Workshop were in B.J.’s class at a writers conference and learned her tips and tricks. The next contest year is 2016, and there will be thousands of entries. Don’t miss out on the knowledge, experience, and secrets B.J. will share as the winner of her own coveted spot in the 2004 Guideposts Writers Workshop.

2) Making $$$ Selling Personal Experience Short Stories: Want to know the formula for writing inspirational stories that sell? B.J. Taylor’s writing has appeared in many publications. Numerous writers have learned B.J.’s secret formula, submitted to Chicken Soup and Guideposts, and are now published authors too. Would you like to make money in your writing career? Then come to this workshop.

B.J. has been published more than forty times in Chicken Soup for the Soul as well as in Guideposts, Angels on Earth, John Gray’s Mars and Venus in Love, Writer’s Digest, Romantic Homes, Victorian Homes, and many other publications. Her latest book is Charlie Bear: What a Headstrong Rescue Dog Taught Me about Life, Love, and Second Chances. B.J. also compiled her own stories, plus the riveting stories of others, into Sunny Side Up: Inspirational Stories for Tough Times/Women/Dog & Cat Lovers. In addition, B.J. has authored a resource for writers, The Complete Guide to Writers Groups That Work.

Whether you want to find out more about writing inspirational stories, dog-lit, winning the Guideposts contest, or any number of other topics, you can learn a lot from B.J. Sign up today for the Northwest Christian Writers Renewal.


DianaSavageDiana Savage, a graduate of Northwest University and Bakke Graduate University, sold her first article when she was still in college, and she’s been writing ever since. Now the principal at Savage Creative Services, LLC, she is also director of the Northwest Christian Writers Renewal conference. Her latest book is 52 Heart Lifters for Difficult Times.

Charlie Bear here again to say THANK YOU to Diana Savage for her lovely blog post on Mom Peep. Mom Peep has a surprise in store for the people at the conference. Shhh…I don’t want to give it away.

Woofs to you all,
Charlie Bear

April 9, 2015 at 8:29 am 4 comments

What’s Prime Time?

Charlie Bear 1

Charlie Bear here with a Newsletter from Mom Peep B.J. Taylor. I hope you like it.

TAYLOR’S TIPS for a more productive you…

Dear Friend,

Christmas is more than two months behind us. Spring is about two months ahead. (Let’s hope it’s less, right Northeasterners?) Summer is right after that.

So what does that make NOW?

PRIME TIME to get things done. Do you have goals? Something in your brain that’s niggling at you? A writing opportunity / deadline that beckons? A story you want to write? A book you want to work on?

What’s stopping you?

stop sign with hand

The biggest stop sign is the one you place in front of yourself. The cure is to:

Just do it

How about these strategies:

  1. Cram writing in between the tight spots, working on a project for half an hour when the house is quiet or getting up early to put in a little writing time.
  2. Grab fear by the tail and send it swinging, giving in to the knowledge that yes, there are lots of things that are frightening, but you’d rather be afraid of revising and making it better than not having started at all.
  3. Percolate on your project all the time: when you are washing dishes, making the bed, stuffing laundry into the machine, folding fresh clothes, driving to work (but be attentive—daydream only at stop lights), and even when with your spouse (you know you do it—as long as you give that person your undivided attention when it is required).

We writers never really turn it off, do we?


I think I’ve said it before: if you don’t know where you are going there is no way you will get there. Like an airplane flying without a destination, a writer without projects and goals will never accomplish anything. Agree?

So plan your strategy for the in-between time right now. Spring is coming…summer right after. What are YOU going to accomplish before that time? Let me know.

Hugs and love, and blessings on your work.

Follow your dreams…

What’s Going On:

B.J. Taylor domain name: Maybe you’ve noticed that my website is longer than just my name? It’s That’s because the name B.J. Taylor alone had been taken. A man had it “parked” which meant he had the rights to it as long as he paid the yearly fee for renewal. At the end of last year I hired a wonderful woman named April Michelle Davis from Editorial Inspirations to upgrade/update my website. She reached the owner of and negotiated for me to buy it. I’ll admit it wasn’t cheap. But I think it’s worth it. Look for the shorter, quicker-to-type version of my website name soon. And don’t worry if you don’t remember to switch, the old website with “online” in the name will rollover to the new one. Isn’t technology wonderful?

P MS to a T: the winning formula for writing nonfiction short stories that sell The manuscript is now in the hands of my book services guy and his wonderfully talented team from They will format the book for print through Amazon and as an e-book available through the regular channels (Amazon, B&N, etc.). Here’s a sneak peek at the cover. What do you think?

P MS to a T

Orange County Christian Writers Conference I cannot wait to see you at the conference. It runs Friday, April 24 from 5:30 to 9:30, and Saturday, April 25 from 8:00 to 5:00. Location: Trinity Presbyterian Church in Santa Ana, California. It’s going to be filled with opportunities to learn more about your craft.

Northwest Christian Writers Renewal I’ll be doing something different: group appointments. I will meet with six attendees at a time for 30-minutes. You get to do a three-minute elevator pitch and then receive feedback. Sounds like fun! I’ll also be teaching Writing for the Guideposts Contest and Making $$$ Selling Inspirational Short Stories. Did you register yet? May 15-16, 2015 in Redmond Washington (near Seattle).

* * * * *

By Portland Book Review:
By Galina Roizman

This review is from: Charlie Bear: What a Headstrong Rescue Dog Taught Me About Life, Love, and Second Chances (Paperback)

“Hon, do you think the day will come when we don’t have any pets?” B. J. Taylor asks her husband when they lose their second cat in a few months apart. His answer, “I don’t think so,” is probably common for all animal lovers and it isn’t surprising that soon they decided to add a small dog to the golden Lab, Rex, the only pet left at their home. What is surprising that while looking for a dog like a Yorkie they spot the photo of a young Shih Tzu/Terrier mix rescued from the street and both fell in love with his cute appearance and decided to give him a trial. Was this a right decision?

‘“I need a home and someone to love me.’ How could someone not love this dog?”

Charlie Bear is adorable, but has a lot of behavioral issues. B. J. and her husband are responsible pet owners concerned not only with animal rights but with proper animal behavior as well. Would B. J.’s place be a good home for Charlie Bear? Can he trust his new owners? Read the book to find it out. Short “Charlie’s monologues” are funny and provide an additional charming aspect to the story.”

* * * * * *

For Charlie Bear’s dog blog:

He’s also on Facebook: 
and on Twitter: @CharlieBearY2K.

B.J. Taylor

March 3, 2015 at 11:36 am 4 comments

Give ’em…

Charlie Bear here.

Ever hear the expression…let them eat cake? Where the heck did that come from?

happy birthday dog wagging tail

Or how about this one…Give ’em what they want.

That one pertains to Mom Peep. She learned this little lesson (maybe not such a little lesson) a long, long time ago. Here’s what happened to her.

John Gray had just released Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and was looking for ordinary people to tell him how his book had made a difference in their lives as a couple. Unpublished, full of hope, but not optimistic, Mom sent in her five pages of manuscript, single-spaced.

When a letter arrived from his editing staff asking for permission to publish her work, she was on cloud nine.

Cloud Nine

She couldn’t believe it! How did she make it past all those who submitted? She knew the answer. She used the terminology from the first book John Gray wrote and she made references to his techniques.

She gave him what he wanted.

Her happiness soared even higher when the galley of her work arrived by Federal Express. This was the stuff she’d read about that happened to other writers. Not to her!


Mars and Venus in Love was soon released. She still can’t believe she’s in that book. Her. Little ‘ole her. He didn’t pay her a dime. He didn’t give her a byline. But hey, she knows she’s in there, and that’s what matters.

B.J.Taylor 2008-3

It’s been a long time since that first “sale,” and she’s been published numerous times since then (some of them have even paid her…good thing, so she can buy me more treats). Sometimes, she said, it’s been hard to keep going. But she knew that if John Gray liked her writing, then maybe she could make it out there. She didn’t get paid in cold hard cash, but she got something even more valuable. A boost to her ego. A lift to her self-esteem. Those things were worth more to her than a fistful of green dollars that she would have blown in a fast food restaurant or the nearest grocery store.

That first sale was priceless.

* * * * * *

So there you have it. How Mom Peep learned to “Give ‘Em What They Want.”

Have you learned this? Maybe in writing, maybe in your job in sales, maybe as an employee, or in your work in public relations? Tell us how this has worked for you.

Wiggles and Woofs,
Charlie Bear

October 21, 2014 at 9:54 am 12 comments

Here it is!

And it’s no April Fools!

Charlie Bear here. This is the real deal, brought to you by Mom Peep, B.J. Taylor, who writes for Guideposts magazine. She loves what she does…writing, speaking, teaching, sharing emotional stories that encourage others. She just finished writing a book that is in her agent’s hands to look at. I’m sooooo hopeful for her because my buddy, Rex, has a part in it–he was my mentor dog when I was first adopted into my home here.

Anyway, if YOU want to try out for the Guideposts writers workshop contest, and possibly win a spot in the week-long retreat like Mom Peep did in 2004, check this out:

GP 2014 Workshop Contest 001

If you can’t read it too well, email Mom Peep at and ask her to sign you up for her Taylor’s Tips Newsletter. The entire guidelines will be there, in bigger, better, bolder letters!

I want to wish you all tons of blessings as you craft stories for the contest. What’s better than sharing yourself with others? And the Guideposts magazine reaches millions of readers. Woo hoo!

So get going. Start writing. No excuses.  ; o )

Woofs and Wiggles to you,
Charlie Bear

April 1, 2014 at 2:18 pm 8 comments

For a Purpose?

TAYLOR’S TIPS for a more productive you…

Dear Friend,

“God created man on purpose – and for a purpose.”

Who said that? The wonderful and wise Zig Ziglar.

Zig Ziglar

So here is a list of my purposes:

Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend, Charlie Bear’s Caretaker, Grandmother, Boss (at work…lol…not at home), Chief Cook and Bottle Washer (yup, that is at home), Great-Grandmother, Financial Guru (household checkbook stuff), Main Nest Fluffer and Fixer

Those are all GREAT purposes, but I think Zig meant something a little bit more lofty. So here’s what I have determined to be my purpose:

WRITER  — Ta da! I said it.


I’m a storyteller, a lover of words that help people, an inspiration I hope to those who read the true stories I write, and an entertainer to those who pick up my novels and get lost in the lives of the characters as they journey toward happiness.

What is YOUR purpose? Have you figured it out? I think you might know what it is by this one truth: when you are doing it, you lose all sense of time, all sense of self. You become so lost in your passion that your purpose feels effortless (well, maybe not all the way effortless, but worth it every step of the way). Am I right?

I’d love to hear what your purpose is, to celebrate it with you.

Hugs and love, and blessings on your work.

Follow your dreams…

What’s Happening:

Can you come? FCWC is almost here! So many dedicated professionals are eager to provide YOU the best writers’ conference experience ever. I’ve heard from a few of you that you will be there. Hooray! I can’t wait.  Dates: Feb. 26 to March 2, 2014

The End of April is Shaping Up Nicely! The Orange County Christian Writers’ Conference will be held April 25-26, 2014. It has new directors, new staff, a well-thought-out website, and a great team of people (including me…blush, blush). Location: Trinity Presbyterian Church in Santa Ana, California. Is it time for a jump-start on your writing career?

* * * * *

A recent review from: Charlie Bear: What a Headstrong Rescue Dog Taught Me About Life, Love, and Second Chances

5 out of 5 stars  January 10, 2014


I finished reading Charlie Bear this morning. It was a wonderful compassionate book. We too have lost many pets who have been our only children for 47 years and counting. I cried when Rex was put down. It was all too real as I remember well the time I held our beloved cat Speckles when the vet gave her the injection. She was purring down to her last breath. It was as if she told me “It is okay Mama. Thank you for loving me enough to let me go and for giving me a wonderful earthly home.” Speckles was a feral cat that we tamed but who won our hearts and gave so much more to us than we could have ever given to her. Thank you, B.J., for sharing your heart feelings in this book.  It really did my heart good.

* * * * * *

Charlie Bear loves wiggles and woofs. Sign up to get free posts of his blog musings at:

He’s a little munchkin, and a bit of a ham, too. Here’s the furry monkey in his magazine photo shoot and the story in Guideposts magazine.

Not one to slight his fans, Charlie Bear is on Facebook:
on Twitter: @CharlieBearY2K.

Without shame, Charlie says: Check me out! I have a H A R D C O V E R book! You can find it here on Amazon:

February 12, 2014 at 1:41 pm 2 comments

Are you an inspiring voice?

Charlie Bear here with an offer you might want to choose:

Call for Entries in the
2013 Inspiring Voices Book Publishing Contest

“One day I will share my story. One day my book will be a reality.”

Have you felt such thoughts pressing on your heart? Susan Call did. When her mother told her about the 2012 Inspiring Voices Book Publishing Contest, she felt empowered to finally get her story on paper. She submitted her manuscript in the contest and was named the Grand-Prize Winner.


The 2013 Inspiring Voices Book Publishing Contest presented by Guideposts is your opportunity to see your story published.

Enter the contest now and submit your manuscript by Nov. 1, 2013, and you could:

  • Publish with a FREE package from Inspiring Voices.
  • Announce the news in a personalized press release.
  • Receive an exclusive prize from Guideposts.

Don’t hide your inspiring voice. Share it.

* * * * * *

Charlie Bear back again…..

If you want a free information packet, go to Mom’s website at and scroll down a bit to where it says YOUR VOICE and then “FREE GUIDE.” Click on that and get some good info to get you started. Then, you just might want to consider entering the contest! Now, wouldn’t that be cool to win?


“I soon realized that holding my book in my hands was not the end of a journey, but just the beginning of a new one.” — Susan Call


Same with Mom Peep and me! Our book was published by Inspiring Voices at first and then printed in hardcover by Guideposts Books. What a thrill! We know how you feel, Susan.


Charlie Bear Hardcover

So, tell us…are you going to get a free guide or enter the contest? Inspiring Minds want to know!  ; o )

Wiggles and Woofs to you,
Charlie Bear

September 10, 2013 at 10:19 am 2 comments

Are you a number cruncher?

Do you know someone who is?

Check this out:

• Five days, four nights
• ALL meals*
• Numerous full-morning classes to pick from
• Afternoon workshops to help you learn even more
• One-on-one meetings with agents, editors**
• FREE critiques of your work
• Friendship, Fellowship
• Beautiful redwood forest setting
• Central Lounge for relaxation***

…all for the low cost of…..(wait for it)….only $877. Total. Only extra is you have to get yourself there.

So let’s do the math. $877 divided by 5 is $175 a day. For all that, you say? I say yes. And here’s where and how:

It’s the annual Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference held in the San Jose mountains of California March 22-26. My favorite conference ever for all the reasons I told you above.

Mt.Hermon.05-1 023

* Full breakfasts, snacks, complete lunch, more snacks, dinner with dessert, and an additional evening snack…holey moley
** no extra cost to meet with editors or agents as often as you wish
*** billowing smoke from a smoldering fireplace surrounded by sofas and deep-cushioned chairs

Whether just starting to write, or you have some work published, an investment in your career is a smart move. I’m always learning. Won’t you join me?

When you get there, be sure to tap me on the shoulder and say, “Hey, B.J. I know you from Taylor’s Tips!” That would be awesome!

January 26, 2013 at 7:52 am 10 comments

Can You Lift a Spirit?

TAYLOR’S TIPS for a more productive you…
(this newsletter was sent out on Nov. 28, 2012 but never ran in the blog)…

Dear Friend,

I was in the dentist’s office two weeks ago (not a fun place, but necessary, right?) and as I handed over my credit card the receptionist said this:

“You have very pretty eyes.”

Copy of B.J. Taylor.1 - Copy

Ahhh….sore mouth, aching teeth and all, I became instantly lifted in spirit. You see, I’m older now, and to be honest, I hadn’t heard that compliment in a long time so I thought I didn’t have pretty eyes anymore. I assuaged my hurt over the years by admitting that aging caused my eyes to lose their ability to shine, they’re droopy and saggy and no longer “very pretty.” Ahhh…such is life.

3D man holding a red arrow
Then I heard those beautiful words and I realized how nice it was that this young woman took a moment to give a voice to her thoughts. I walked out of the dentist’s office, got in my car, and turned the key. And I thought about how fast life rushes by. Haven’t I sometimes marveled at the grace of a new mother with her crying baby in a grocery store? Or the support and encouragement from a good friend when I struggle? Have I told someone lately how much I love him? How much I appreciate her? If you know a struggling writer, can you provide a nugget of hope by at least encouraging them to hang in there?

lifting spirits
It only takes a minute. Who can we honestly bestow a gracious compliment upon? Whose spirit will YOU lift today? The funny thing is, when we lift up another, we can’t help but be lifted up ourselves.

Hugs and love, and blessings on your work.

Follow your dreams…

P.S. Did you know you can forward this to your friends (writer and non-writer alike)? It’s easy for ANYONE to sign up—just send a quick email to saying “sign me up” and you’ll be on the email list to get Taylor’s Tips once a month.

What’s Happening:

The CHARLIE BEAR book is going strong, and I thank each of you for your support.

Here’s the latest review:

5.0 out of 5 stars November 5, 2012
By Judy –
This review is from: Charlie Bear: What a Headstrong Rescue Dog Taught Me About Life, Love, and Second Chances (Paperback)
As a confirmed dog rescuer myself, BJ’s story puts into perspective the trials and tribulations of welcoming a new pet into your home and making “family” out of him. Having felt the loss of pets and family members alike, I shared the grief, tears and eventual happiness along the journey of Charlie Bear. A wonderful, inspiring read. I look forward to more tales from this talented writer.

Link to Charlie Bear on Amazon:

Want to know what Charlie Bear is up to?
Go to: or @CharlieBearY2K on Twitter.
He loves “likes” and “follows.” lol

January 21, 2013 at 9:02 am 6 comments

It Never Gets Old

TAYLOR’S TIPS for a more productive you…

Dear Friend,

Have you ever come home to this?

I get all wiggly with excitement when I see a box tucked behind the plant at my front door. What’s in it? It’s a thrilling, spine-tingling surprise until I slit open the tape and lift out the contents.

In some instances, it’s a box of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Did you know that when you have a story published in one of their books you receive a check for $200!, and you also receive a box of 10 free copies of the book? Now isn’t that nice!

On some days, it’s a box of Guideposts or Angels on Earth magazines, like this:

I helped a woman named Linda write her story about running again after being shunned by her high school coach. She is now participating in marathons and loving it. The story was published in this May/June issue of Angels on Earth.

Do you ever see these guys around your neighborhood?


When a truck like one of these tools around my streets, I wonder, “Could he be delivering something to me?” I love the feeling of having “acceptances” out there in the publishing world: Chicken Soup stories, Guideposts or Angels on Earth stories, or even one of my latest books like CHARLIE BEAR. It keeps my adrenaline flowing and keeps me motivated to submit more stories for future publication.

Keep those trucks comin’, guys!

And if you don’t have any trucks dropping off boxes at your front door behind your plant yet, don’t worry…they could be pulling up real soon. Just get to work submitting and never give up. It may just be that 5th, 6th, 18th, or 20th submission that finally gets accepted. And then watch those boxes pile up!

Happy writing and blessings on your work.

Follow your dreams…


Charlie Bear offers a loving tribute to a rescue dog that eventually sheds his headstrong ways, becomes a loving member of a family, and ultimately changes three lives forever.

Available on Amazon:
Available on Publisher’s site, Inspiring Voices:
Available on Barnes & Noble:

What’s Happening…

Hooray! It’s summer! I’m so excited to gather with loved ones at our family reunion. I can’t wait to hug every one of them. Hope you are all having great family time this summer. 

July 17, 2012 at 9:38 am 4 comments

The First Timers Club


Dear Friend,

Have you ever felt like a duck in a dry pond? A vegetarian at a hamburger and steak tailgate party? Ever been uncomfortable in a new situation?

I remember my first writers’ conference. Green. Shy. Scared. All those people, all those successful writers, all those editors and agents. And I remember my firsts of a lot of other things: first date, first kiss, first born, first story published.

Recently, I’ve been thrust into new situations that have me shaking in my used-to-be-white sneakers: a brand new book for sale, contacting people to ask them to read it and review it, and doors opening for promotion.

I got a call. A videographer was coming over. Huh? What the heck is that? I’d done a photo shoot for a Guideposts story. Hours of standing there putting expressions on my face while a photographer snapped hundreds of photos, all for the use of just ONE for the magazine. Whew, I got through that years ago. What could be worse?

Well, video, that could be worse. It’s a photographer, but he also asks questions and shoots video. So there he stood in my family room, a big light on a tripod set up behind him, a camera on a stand, and a microphone on both of us. He asked me questions, I answered, wondering if I looked okay, and trying not to sound like a moron. I knew the questions ahead of time, but I forgot most of what I wanted to say.

That was a first. Then came the request to do a thirty-minute radio show. Live. On the Air. OMG! I received a guest prep sheet with a few questions. I wrote some notes and spread them around my desk to prompt my thoughts. I didn’t have to be on camera, hooray!, but I still had to sound coherent. What if I messed up? I was so nervous.

That was a first. Then came another radio show, this time for an entire hour. I felt a little bit better. Hey, I’d done this before! But guess what? They asked all sorts of different questions and I felt totally off guard.

Can I ask: what are YOU doing for the first time? Are you stepping out by submitting your written work? Are you signing up to attend a writers’ conference? Are you writing a book?

After all of these things happened, I thought back to my first writers’ conference. Green. Shy. Scared. Now, I’m a speaker. The first time I stood in front of a group in a classroom my voice wobbled, my knees wiggled, and my heart beat a drum roll in my chest. But the next time it was easier, and now I’m not nervous at all.

We can’t “get on down the road” unless we begin the journey. And if you wait for all the traffic lights to be green, you’ll never leave your driveway. Yes, it’s scary. Susan Jeffers wrote a book that I read years ago. It sits on my shelf with highlights in it, underlining, and dog-eared pages. The title? “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”

Happy writing and blessings on your work.

Follow your dreams…

Here’s that book I’m promoting. You know what? You never realize how much it takes to get buzz going about a new book until you have one out. If any of you have read the book, and you feel like you have a minute or two, would you write a review on Amazon about it? That would mean a great deal to me. Send me an email afterwards, so I can thank you personally!

Charlie Bear offers a loving tribute to a rescue dog that eventually sheds his headstrong ways, becomes a loving member of a family, and ultimately changes three lives forever.

Available on Amazon:
Available on Publisher’s site, Inspiring Voices:
Available on Barnes & Noble:

Here’s a link to my Amazon Author page:

What’s Happening…

I’ve taught at four conferences in the last three months so it’s time to take a break and go on vacation soon. Hubby and I will head out on a road trip to see some sights and shortly after that we’ll fly to Wisconsin for a family reunion. 

 This was the family gang in 2011.

Hooray! Here comes summer!


June 19, 2012 at 9:36 am 6 comments

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