
Charlie Bear joined our family in October 2010. He posts on this blog once or twice a week and, since he’s going on four now, he’s decided to share all of his knowledge with all of you. You can find his posts under the Category: Charlie Chat. 

As for me and why I write this blog, I’m extremely passionate about helping dogs to find forever homes. Charlie Bear was abandoned, then rescued, fostered, and then found his way into his forever home. One of the reasons I write novels with a dog in each one is to help promote the spirit of keeping our dogs during the good times and also the challenging times. Many times we have to PUT certain things into practice in order to keep our cool under pressure when we rescue a dog, or bring home a dog from a shelter. They all need the same thing: 


To view posts about dogs click on “Dogs” in the Category list. You’ll find lots of variety.

The mellow boy below? That’s 11-year-old Rex. We lost him on June 1, 2011. He’s now over The Rainbow Bridge, but while he was here he taught the newcomer, Charlie Bear, a thing or two, like how to shake the dickens out of a stuffed toy, how to stand still when mom has to towel dry you, and how to wait patiently for your dinner. All important to know. Thanks, Rex!

11 Comments Add your own

  • 1. annabellefranklinauthor  |  March 18, 2015 at 6:09 am

    We love your blog, Charlie! It’s great to be rescued 🙂 Love ‘n’ licks from Pearly Greyhound and Millie the Literary Lurcher

    Liked by 1 person

    • 2. bjtaylorblog  |  March 18, 2015 at 12:06 pm

      Pearly Greyhound and Millie the Literary Lurcher,
      Nice to hear from you. And yes, it certainly is great to be rescued. I know where I’d be if I wasn’t rescued: still running around the streets in LA trying to find food and shelter. I sure love it here with Mom and Dad Peep!
      Wiggles and woofs to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 3. Shaye Walsh  |  September 12, 2013 at 12:53 pm

    Hey, I can’t seem to find your email. So could you possibly email me to ask you a question?


    • 4. bjtaylorblog  |  September 12, 2013 at 1:44 pm

      Just responded to you. Hope that helps.


  • 5. Don Reynolds  |  September 19, 2011 at 10:05 am

    In 1956 we were stationed at an AFB in Maine and we decided we wanted a dog. An officer advertised Weimeraner pups for sale. We got one and have one almost all the years since. As we aged we replaced them several times, but in 70’s decided NO MORE. But a few months later I saw an ad for a five year old, called the person, told her our history, went down that afternoon. Found out she had rescued him from a shelter but could only keep up with her other one. Her price? A good home for him. A few months later he woke me up at 2:00 AM. Did he have to go out? I tried that but he stopped at my sick wife’s door and would not go further. I went in and found out she had passed out and had not taken her night medicines. I roused her, gave her the medicines and Fritz let me go back to bed. He is old for the breed now, our long riverside walks are now shorter walks. I miss my wife and I will miss him. But I do not plan to replace my wife, but I will find another adult Weimeraner.


    • 6. bjtaylorblog  |  September 19, 2011 at 10:56 am

      Don, what beautiful sentiments you wrote, and what a wonderful story about Fritz! Amazing how much dogs are in tune to our needs. I would love to contact you to see if you’d let me write up your story for my SUNNY SIDE UP: Inspiriing Stories for Dog and Cat Lovers book coming out later this year. I think lots of people could relate to the love that we feel for both our spouses and for our dogs. Keep enjoying those walks along the riverside!
      Best regards, B.J. & Charlie Bear.


  • 7. 2010 in review « Taylor's Tips  |  January 2, 2011 at 7:36 am

    […] Dogs […]


  • 8. Linda H. Nelson  |  November 20, 2010 at 8:05 am

    When Billy was just a baby we wrote out a schedule for him and kept track of his ins and outs until he was 6 months. Every time he went out, every time he ate. We kept him in a plastic puppy pen until one day we came home from church and he was sleeping on the back of the couch. From that point on he had free rein of the part of the house we could not shut off.
    Today he is in charge when we are away. He loves to chew but only on his nylabone, He has food on demand all the time and is not a picky eater. He didn’t learn to ask to go out but he does stare and we think that is when he should go out. We always went out the same door and he could only go out when he is invited. We could leave the door open all day long and he would stay in the house until we ask him out.

    I think successful pets are of our making and Billy is a success because we worked hard in the beginning. Billy isn’t perfect but the part that isn’t perfect is because we missed that point. What is the imperfection you ask? Well Billy thinks everyone comes to visit him. He is exuberant to the point of being annoying. Jumping and carrying on like a nut case. He is like this for a half hour. Can’t break it either. Maybe we need more company. When we come home from being away for a while he is calm and wants his loves but then settles right down. It is a problem and he sends a bad message about how perfect he can be. Well I have gone on here too long and I apologize, but when we talk about our pets we tend to get a bit of a rambler. Sorry and I love your blog. Bye for now.


    • 9. bjtaylorblog  |  November 20, 2010 at 4:08 pm

      Linda, your Billy’s photo was a beautiful addition to the blog posts and I treasure it. What a wonder Billy is, so well behaved. You did a great job in teaching him. Thank you so much for sharing how a little PUT: patience, understanding, training can go a long way! Hugs from Charlie Bear and thanks for the kudos.


  • 10. Julie  |  November 15, 2010 at 10:01 am

    Just like people, every dog has a “bad habit.”

    Our dog Miko…best dog ever. He stayed in the yard while our other two ran away one day to take a swim and have a little…ahem…adventure in the pond down the road which is full of ‘gators. Miko has had plenty of chances to run. He never does.

    But, boy does he like to bark sometimes.

    The other two. Well, Riley likes to dig huge holes in the backyard, steal things from inside the house, and sneak them out to above mentioned hole.

    And Pepper…well, Pepper is Pepper. Given the chance, he will run away. And he has. Several times. We are lucky to have never lost him forever.

    We love them all. Their “issues” are what make them unique, fun, and they make me laugh. (Well, ‘cept when Pepper runs away. That just about gives me a heart attack.) If I wanted something boring, which did nothing, I would get stuffed animals instead. Cute, but not nearly as fun. And I’m sure then I would have no stories.


    • 11. bjtaylorblog  |  November 15, 2010 at 1:25 pm

      Julie, so very true! We would have no stories to tell if life was simple and our dogs were well behaved and never did a thing but made us smile. We have a lot to grin about, don’t we? Thanks so much for sharing!



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