Give ’em…

October 21, 2014 at 9:54 am 12 comments

Charlie Bear here.

Ever hear the expression…let them eat cake? Where the heck did that come from?

happy birthday dog wagging tail

Or how about this one…Give ’em what they want.

That one pertains to Mom Peep. She learned this little lesson (maybe not such a little lesson) a long, long time ago. Here’s what happened to her.

John Gray had just released Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and was looking for ordinary people to tell him how his book had made a difference in their lives as a couple. Unpublished, full of hope, but not optimistic, Mom sent in her five pages of manuscript, single-spaced.

When a letter arrived from his editing staff asking for permission to publish her work, she was on cloud nine.

Cloud Nine

She couldn’t believe it! How did she make it past all those who submitted? She knew the answer. She used the terminology from the first book John Gray wrote and she made references to his techniques.

She gave him what he wanted.

Her happiness soared even higher when the galley of her work arrived by Federal Express. This was the stuff she’d read about that happened to other writers. Not to her!


Mars and Venus in Love was soon released. She still can’t believe she’s in that book. Her. Little ‘ole her. He didn’t pay her a dime. He didn’t give her a byline. But hey, she knows she’s in there, and that’s what matters.

B.J.Taylor 2008-3

It’s been a long time since that first “sale,” and she’s been published numerous times since then (some of them have even paid her…good thing, so she can buy me more treats). Sometimes, she said, it’s been hard to keep going. But she knew that if John Gray liked her writing, then maybe she could make it out there. She didn’t get paid in cold hard cash, but she got something even more valuable. A boost to her ego. A lift to her self-esteem. Those things were worth more to her than a fistful of green dollars that she would have blown in a fast food restaurant or the nearest grocery store.

That first sale was priceless.

* * * * * *

So there you have it. How Mom Peep learned to “Give ‘Em What They Want.”

Have you learned this? Maybe in writing, maybe in your job in sales, maybe as an employee, or in your work in public relations? Tell us how this has worked for you.

Wiggles and Woofs,
Charlie Bear

Entry filed under: Charlie Chat, Dogs, Writing. Tags: , , , .

My Daddy Uses… Trick or Treat?

12 Comments Add your own

  • 1. mitchteemley  |  October 28, 2014 at 3:34 pm

    Yep, pretty much my take on it too, Taylor. Though you wouldn’t know it by my title ;>) “Is Halloween Evil?”


    • 2. bjtaylorblog  |  October 28, 2014 at 5:55 pm

      My Mom Peep says it is nice of you to comment, and to follow. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
      Wiggles and woofs,
      Charlie Bear


  • 3. Jean Stewart  |  October 23, 2014 at 12:23 am

    Ah, remember that fabulous time, just like I remember when you came to live with Mom & Dad Peep, Charlie Bear. Great reminder to keep on keeping on even when there’s a lull in the activity level. Thanks!


    • 4. bjtaylorblog  |  October 23, 2014 at 7:37 am

      Yup, it seems long, long ago that I came to live here now. But I’m earning my keep — (though I don’t have to) — by barking at possums, like the one on the block wall last night. No lull in that activity level!
      Charlie Bear


  • 5. lemondrop87  |  October 22, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    CB, It’s nice when we get paid for things we do and in more ways than with money; don’t you think? So keep on writing BJ and you will come up with another winner I am sure…

    Wags to you!!


    • 6. bjtaylorblog  |  October 23, 2014 at 7:35 am

      Hi Beaugie,
      Mom Peep loves your excitement and enthusiasm for her writing. She says Thank You!
      Charlie Bear


  • 7. Julie Garmon  |  October 22, 2014 at 5:13 am

    I SO understand how your Mom Peep felt with that first “yes.” wohoooooooooooooo! Will never forget it. I guess that’s one of the reasons we keep writing, CB. The highs are so amazing, they make up for the lows. 🙂


    • 8. bjtaylorblog  |  October 22, 2014 at 8:14 am

      I know about highs and lows. I’m high when I get treats thrown about to “find it” (my distraction game), and I get lows when my treats are all gobbled up and I’m treat-less. boo hoo
      But….there are more treats to look forward to, which is what I think you and Mom Peep have figured out about writing, huh?
      Wiggles to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 9. kaystrom  |  October 21, 2014 at 10:03 am

    Ooops! I mean breeds. Although bread is good, too!


    • 10. bjtaylorblog  |  October 21, 2014 at 10:27 am

      I prefer bread. Little pieces of the burnt edges of toast are the best. lol
      Woofs to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 11. kaystrom  |  October 21, 2014 at 10:02 am

    How about this one, Charlie: “Success breads success.” Your mom peep is living it. She makes me so proud! Slurp her for me.


    • 12. bjtaylorblog  |  October 21, 2014 at 10:26 am

      Kay, I did slurp her for you. Snuggled up with her early this morning on the sofa, too. She likes me nice and warm curled up like two spoons (I’m the little teaspoon). ha ha
      Charlie Bear



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