Are You….?

February 5, 2014 at 8:34 am 8 comments

Charlie Bear here.

I’m here to tell you, you are:

one of a kind

Zig Ziglar says:

“Some ten billion-plus people have walked the earth but there is not now nor has there ever been another one like you.”

orange among apples

Ahhhh…that’s so true. I’m different. Unique. Mom Peep calls me stubborn and bull-headed. Sometimes both Mom and Dad Peep wonder if I am like this:

one brown egg in white

…an oddball of all oddballs. Hey, I know I’m different. Maybe you are, too?

one person in orange

But I think it’s okay to be this way. God made us all special, and not one of us is like another. That’s pretty cool. Just think about it. No one…absolutely no one…is exactly like you. That makes you unique. Like me! (But hopefully you aren’t stubborn and bull-headed, like me!)

Charlie Bear (28)

Woofs & Wiggles to you,
Charlie Bear

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What Happens When You Are… For a Purpose?

8 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Alice W.  |  February 5, 2014 at 2:37 pm

    Beaugie here, CB, I am different in lot of ways but not too many I don’t think. I have the same coloring, the same manhood same as you I think; yours been cut out too? the same spinning around in circles at times but bet I have oodles of differences also such as I like to sleep with my butt in my peep moms face when she will let me but the only time I manage that is when I can catch her asleep and slip in and that’s not very often.
    Take Care of yourself CB & your peeps too!!
    Woofs to all of you!!


    • 2. bjtaylorblog  |  February 6, 2014 at 6:37 am

      Beaugie – hi there!
      Yup, we are kindred spirits in looks say our Mom Peeps, and yup, we’ve both been “fixed” (which is a good thing in the world today). I don’t sleep with my butt in Mom’s face, but I would if I could, just like you!
      You stay warm and cozy, little Beaugie.
      Wiggles to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 3. kim  |  February 5, 2014 at 10:59 am

    i am different for surehi Charlie bear,


    • 4. bjtaylorblog  |  February 5, 2014 at 11:26 am

      I’m glad you are different. We are all special and unique. Welcome to my world!
      Wiggles to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 5. Julie Garmon  |  February 5, 2014 at 10:15 am

    Thanks for the reminder, CB. Sometimes, it just feels good to hear it!


    • 6. bjtaylorblog  |  February 5, 2014 at 10:49 am

      Happy to oblige with the reminder (cause I needed it too!).
      Woofs to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 7. Marisa Shadrick  |  February 5, 2014 at 8:39 am

    Embracing the difference, and glad there’s only one me. That would be confusing. 🙂


    • 8. bjtaylorblog  |  February 5, 2014 at 8:48 am

      I love that you embrace you! I picture you with your arms wrapped all the way around in a bear hug to yourself. Wow. That’s cool. I wish I could wrap my paws all the way around myself, but I’ll let my Mom Peep do that to me. Oh, and we wouldn’t want to confuse people out there with two of any of us. Heck, I think I’m enough just being me!
      Wiggles to you,
      Charlie Bear



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