Intake at Doggie Heaven

August 4, 2011 at 10:10 am 16 comments

Charlie Bear here. Last night I had a dream. It was so vivid. It was the big dog, and he was telling me about what happened after he went over The Rainbow Bridge.

Here’s what Rex said:

When I got here there was a long line. Dogs like me, cats, raccoons, possums, you name it. Time passed quickly, though. We all talked to each other and soon enough the big, black Mastiff with the clipboard called out, “Next!”

I trotted up.


“Rex Taylor.”


“Going on 12.”

“Family here?”

“Uh, lots. Diamond, Red, Pickles, Pepper, Buddy, Chumley….”

“Just immediate family please.”

“Diamond and Red.”

The head of intake jotted a note on his clipboard and then pressed the button on his walkie talkie. “Rex Taylor is here. Send up Diamond and Red.”

A crackle emanated from the small, black box. “They’re already on their way. They knew he was coming.”

“Ten-four,” intake said. “Last question. Who did you leave behind?”

“Mom and dad. B.J. and Roger Taylor. And a scrappy little bullhead, Charlie Bear.”

He noted that on his clipboard as well. “Okay, Rex, go on in. The Rainbow Bridge is straight ahead,” intake said. “You’ll find your friends on the other side.”

“Thanks.” I ran the short distance toward the brilliant light. It’s crazy pretty here. Lots of flowers, birds, butterflies, trees. My legs are strong now, not a hitch or limp at all. I’m back up to my 80 lbs of muscle, and the gray hair on my face is replaced by a golden brown like when I was a young dog.

The bridge is wooden, and my nails make a clickity, click sound as I scamper over. And then there they are. Red has filled back out and no longer has mats of fur plastered to his body. His marmalade color shines brightly in the sun. I go over and lick him like I always used to; he sidles up to me and rubs against my leg. And then there’s Diamond. Her pretty little gray and white face and statuesque body perch near us, but just far enough away to feel safe. She eyes me with those bright green eyes of hers and seems to say, “Welcome.” I acknowledge her with a nod.

Red leads the way into the valley toward a huge lake. “And there’s a beach just over the hill,” he says. “We know how you love to run in the sand.”

I stop for a drink of water and then bring my head up and look around. This place is beautiful, and it’s where I’ll be, waiting for all of you, my family, when you arrive.

* * *

Charlie here again. Mom Peep had a message for those of you who haven’t seen the Rainbow Bridge before. She says the poem soothes her soul and she hopes it helps you too. She sends you hugs. And you know me — I send you woofs and wiggles. : )

Entry filed under: Charlie Chat, Dogs.

Charlie Bear Checking In Dog Park Etiquette

16 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Jan  |  August 22, 2011 at 10:59 am

    Thank you for the story about Charlie Bear’s dream. I just lost my yorkie Scooter. I would like to believe he will be waiting for me.


    • 2. bjtaylorblog  |  August 22, 2011 at 12:25 pm

      Dear Jan,
      My Mom and Dad Peep initially thought of a Yorkie, but instead they got me. I’ll bet your Scooter was some fun, and Mom Peep and I are sorry you lost him. She says that she bets you’ll meet up with Scooter up there in doggie heaven, just like she plans to meet up with the big dog Rex when she gets there. She misses him like the dickens and thinks about him ALL the time. I only hope I can become a good dog like him someday.
      Woofs and Wiggles to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 3. Linda  |  August 12, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    What a spectacular way to see our beloved pets! I loved it ! BJ Taylor you are one fine writer! Hugs, Linda (Big Sis)


    • 4. bjtaylorblog  |  August 12, 2011 at 5:54 pm

      Linda and Lilly,
      I’ll tell Mom Peep that you like what we wrote. I can’t wait to see Doggie Heaven. Doesn’t it sound beautiful? Tell Lilly woofs from me.
      Charlie Bear (and Mom too)


  • 5. garmonjulie  |  August 4, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    Such beautiful details, Charlie Bear. You dream in color. I can tell. Thank you so much for sharing with us.


    • 6. bjtaylorblog  |  August 4, 2011 at 2:18 pm

      I do dream in color! I think there’s a myth about dogs being color blind, but not me. I LOVE purples and pinks and oranges and yellows and reds and golds and, well, every color you can think of. And if it’s not really true that I can see those colors, I like to think I can.
      Woofs and wiggles to you and Clyde,
      Charlie Bear


  • 7. Susan  |  August 4, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    Oh, Charlie, what I good dream! I hope they have some snow for my Rascal; he really liked to get in it! And birch trees would be nice too.
    He knew about pine trees when he was young, but we were in birch tree country when he got older.


    • 8. bjtaylorblog  |  August 4, 2011 at 2:14 pm

      I’ll bet there are lots of birch trees and pine trees too. And snow? Rex LOVES romping in the snow, sticking his nose in it, spraying it up all around him. There has to be tons of that up there probably up the mountains a little ways. I’m sure Rascal is right there, enjoying every minute. What a great thought, huh?
      Wiggles to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 9. Sue Tornai  |  August 4, 2011 at 11:04 am

    I love this, B. J. A couple years ago we lost our Boo doggie. Nice to know she’s in good company.


    • 10. bjtaylorblog  |  August 4, 2011 at 12:11 pm

      Sorry you lost your Boo doggie. Wish all us dogs lived longer lives. Sad that we’re only here for a little while. I have to wonder if that’s because God wants you human people to have more of us in your lives. Anyway, my Mom Peep says she just bets your Boo is up there with Rex. She’s sure of it.
      Woofs and Wiggles,
      Charlie Bear


  • 11. writerheart1  |  August 4, 2011 at 10:32 am

    Very sweet. It helps to know that my beloved pets are healthy and happy and having a great time romping around in heaven. My vet sent me a copy of The Rainbow Bridge after she helped assist my last two dogs in going there. She’s such a saint, completely understanding how much Iove my pet children (my grown daughter once said without blame that I loved Sarah the Chi more than her…she might havfe been right). My vet says that they love us and do everything they can to show this and when they need our help to pass over, we must be strong and do that. The other vet in the practice — her sister — had tears in her eyes as she hugged me and the staff stayed overtime instead of leaving to give me time to get myself together to drive home after Sarah passed. Such great people.


    • 12. bjtaylorblog  |  August 4, 2011 at 12:08 pm

      Barbara/Writer Heart,
      As you probably know, most of us dogs don’t like to go to the vet. They poke us and take our temperature, and give us shots and stuff, so the memories aren’t usually good ones. BUUUUUTTTT, if you ask my Mom Peep she’ll tell you otherwise. Like you, she loves her vet and the staff. And like your people, these people are super nice when something happens to one of us. It’s good to know that they care. Thank you for sharing. Mom says she hears you about doing a special blog post on caring vets.
      Woofs to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 13. Eudie  |  August 4, 2011 at 10:32 am

    What a great dream, Charlie Bear! I know Rex is happy there. My mom has told me about her beloved friends who are waiting there for her. I wonder if Rex has met Tippy, Shaun, Simon or Jynx yet? I am not in any hurry to leave Mom, but it is nice to know that there is such a beautiful place waiting on the other side. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Your pal,


    • 14. bjtaylorblog  |  August 4, 2011 at 12:03 pm

      Rex didn’t tell me about the other dogs and animals he met there…but he did say there were lots of them! I’ll bet Tippy, Shaun, Simon and Jynx are surely there and I’ll bet they’re having so much fun. Rex looked really happy in my dream. I’m not ready to leave my Mom and Dad yet either, but when I do, I think it will be awesome up there.
      Woofs to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 15. Barbara Robinson  |  August 4, 2011 at 10:31 am




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