“Something to Chew On” Charlie Bear with LAA #2

March 25, 2011 at 7:13 am 10 comments

The first day I arrived to stay, I was told I was on probation for two weeks. Now, I’m no dummy–I know a good thing when I see it. The male peep was really cool, and the female peep would come around in time. I had to keep it together for 14 days. Shouldn’t be too tough, right?

But that very first day, while outside with the big dog, I decided to show him who’s boss. So I snarled and growled at him. He snarled and growled back. It was a demonstration for posture and position. Not much else. But it did freak out the female peep. She came running to the big dog’s side and seemed a bit perturbed with me. Heck, I wasn’t trying to hurt him, just scare him a little bit. They separated us and I got a time out, but nothing I couldn’t handle.

FEMALE PEEP: “Okay, Charlie, we know you and Rex will need some time to adjust to each other. But Rex is 11 and you’re a whippersnapper of a year and a half. Try to behave yourself, okay?”

I ran into the arms of the male peep for comfort but later I heard a bird, or maybe it was a squirrel, I don’t know, but I wanted out, and I wanted out NOW. I flew out of the male peep’s lap, raced to the back door, and ran straight into the screen. My paws went up, I scratched and clawed and growled, and rip, screech, tear, that screen didn’t stand a chance.

FEMALE PEEP: “Charlie! Hold on a second. I’ll open the door for you.” But  nope, he was bent on getting out asap. I pulled open the door and he dashed into the yard. I looked at the shredded screen and sighed.

MALE PEEP: “Strike One, Charlie Bear.”

* * *

NOTE: If you want to catch up with what happened in LBA (Life Before Adoption), you can look under “Charlie Chat” on the right. All the posts are there, and these new ones about LAA (Life After Adoption) will be there too. As my new peep called it in previous posts, watch for more of Something to Chew On by me, Charlie Bear, in the weeks ahead.

Thanks for stopping by. We love your comments, so feel free to make some. Woof!

Entry filed under: Charlie Chat, Dogs.

“Something to Chew On” Charlie Bear with LAA #1 The Biggest Loser of Dogs?

10 Comments Add your own

  • 1. ktWq2FeB4  |  April 18, 2011 at 8:33 pm

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  • 5. Susan  |  March 25, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    Thanks for more posts!


    • 6. bjtaylorblog  |  March 25, 2011 at 9:25 pm

      Happy to be back to posting. My female peep had these awful deadlines, but she’s back on track now!
      Hugs and woofs to you,
      Charlie Bear


  • 7. Julie Garmon  |  March 25, 2011 at 11:42 am

    CB, for a little guy, you really held your own!


    • 8. bjtaylorblog  |  March 25, 2011 at 9:27 pm

      Julie, I know! I’m pretty tough, huh? Hey, I can take this big dog. I know I can. Well, maybe….
      Thanks for posting,
      Charlie Bear


  • 9. Marianne Barkman  |  March 25, 2011 at 7:27 am

    Charlie Bear – i love your posts. When will they be published in book form? i’ll write a review based on the blogs!


    • 10. bjtaylorblog  |  April 20, 2011 at 7:03 pm

      That’s a really great idea! I’ll tell my female peep to talk to you about a review. Maybe I can get some extra bones or something out of the deal, you think?
      Woofs to your furry friends,
      Charlie Bear



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