Charlie Bear Here with “Something to Chew On” #11

January 10, 2011 at 9:26 am 8 comments

Did I mention my foster home had two other dogs? Tanner and Rowdy were okay dudes, except they slept on beds or blankets while I had to sleep in a cage. Okay, it’s not a cage. The foster mom calls it a crate, a place for me to go when I want to be alone, and also the place where she wanted me to sleep.

Foster Mom: It’s a good thing for a dog to be crate trained, especially if they are young. Sometimes you have to travel with a dog or need to be sure they are contained around other dogs, children, and even some adults. Face it, not all people love animals.

So my foster mom throws treats into the comfy crate to entice me to go inside. I do love those treats, so sometimes I scamper in, grab the treat, and then run out. If she closes the door on me I emit a piercing bark she can’t stand. And of course, I know she hates it.

Foster Mom: After the first few nightly attempts, I admit we gave up on trying to crate train him. It was too stressful for all of us. We confined him to the kitchen where he slept on a blanket, and during the day he was allowed access to the doggie door to go in and out. We had to have Tanner show him how to use it. And then we had to throw treats from the inside out and from the outside in to get Chucky (at this point he had taken on the attributes of that monster doll from the movies) to move from Point A to Point B.

Did I tell you I’m smart? I waited until she got out the good stuff before I let on I knew how that dog door worked. And even after I had it down, I pretended I didn’t. Hey, food is always welcome in my book.

After a number of weeks, we were moving along nicely. That trainer guy came over, taught me the basics, my foster mom practiced all the things the guy said to do (using a plentiful amount of treats), and I got what I wanted for sleeping arrangements: the kitchen. Then, all heck broke loose when my foster dad and I went for a hike.

* * * * * *

Want more to chew on? Click on the Category to the right called Charlie Chat. All my posts will be there starting back from #1. And they’ll be there forever, just like I hope to be in this new home forever.

And P.S. Don’t tell my female peep, but if you want a secret sneak peek at what I’ll be chewing on, check out the Charlie Here box above.

Entry filed under: Charlie Chat, Dogs.

Planning With Purpose – Taylor’s Tips Newsletter A Final Gift for Cooper

8 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Linda Nelson  |  January 11, 2011 at 8:33 am

    So many think the crate is cruel. But being at work and knowing your pet is safe is worth having a crate. I had a pet that burned his mouth when chewing on an electric cord. It was after that I bought a crate. It really could have been a sad story and it taught me a lesson. I became an obnoxious crate owner.


    • 2. bjtaylorblog  |  January 11, 2011 at 9:03 am

      Dear Linda,
      I’m actually getting quite used to my crate in my new forever home. My female peep cordones me off in the kitchen during the day. I can’t harm anything in there. But at night, I sleep in my den/crate where I’m cozy, warm, and sheltered. It’s a very good thing.
      Thanks for replying, Linda.
      Charlie Bear


  • 3. Julie Garmon  |  January 11, 2011 at 5:14 am

    Charlie Bear, your toughness is part of your survival personality!


    • 4. bjtaylorblog  |  January 11, 2011 at 9:04 am

      Hey Julie,
      Yeah, I’m tough. Too tough sometimes, I think. : )
      Charlie Bear


  • 5. Sara  |  January 10, 2011 at 10:51 am

    Little Dude, if you hadn’t have been so fond of chewing wooden things (and i have the coffee table, dining table, patio chairs, etc. to prove it) the crate MIGHT not have been so necessary.


    • 6. bjtaylorblog  |  January 10, 2011 at 1:32 pm

      Dear Foster Mom Sara,
      I’ve chewed up the wooden bills on the decorative ducks in the family room, the books in my female peep’s office, and I’m working on the corner of my plastic den at the moment, spitting out the pieces left and right. My peeps hope I might grow out of this puppyhood phase. We’ll see. Some things a dog just never gets over.
      Love you,
      Little Dude aka Charlie Bear


  • 7. Jean Stewart  |  January 10, 2011 at 10:37 am

    Cute! And you do know how to create cliff hangers. Good job, BJ. I do hope Charlie Bear is behaving well for you now–at least most of the time. 🙂


    • 8. bjtaylorblog  |  January 10, 2011 at 1:33 pm

      Dear Jean,
      I’m trying to behave for my new female peep. She has lots of patience with me, just like my foster mom did. Good thing because I need it!
      Charlie Bear



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